New plates and some good news :-)

New Plates

New Plates

Marshall’s only had one of each but I loved them and I knew they would look great on one of my Johnson and Johnson plates. I am not good at the whole mix and match plate thing but this one really worked. YAY!

New Plates

New Plates

On another note, there was an announcement Thursday on some exemptions on the new regulations going into effect on Feb 10th. Things are looking up for artisans that craft for children. The CPSA is starting to realize that natural fibers like cotton and wool may not pose a threat. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

For more info check out Etsy’s forum post.

8 responses to “New plates and some good news :-)

  1. I saw those plates and I have been trying to tlk myself into not going back and buying them. Thanks for the tip on the etsy forum!

  2. oh! I LOVE those plates! They are beautiful!
    I am soooo glad there is a chance that things won’t be so difficult for you and others who make and sell children’s clothing!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for you! xoxo

  3. Fabulous plates, Rosie! I love the colors and they look so pretty together.

  4. I have to go find those plates! I have gift cards but I have been too busy to go shopping!

    Have a great day Rosie! xoxo

  5. Rosie,

    This is good news! I was just saying to my Mom that they need to exempt things made of cotton and probably some other things too! The law is too far reaching!

    Things are looking up…
    and I love the plates!


  6. Love the plates! Great find! Here’s hoping they change their regulations. Jean

  7. Rosie

    Love Marshalls for finds like these!

  8. Well, Rosie girl, I am lovin’ those new plates. You did really good !! They look fabulous together. I have been cleaning out cabinets and hutches and trying to pare down a little on dishes..I took one set to Goodwill and daughter got some…and…then…I saw some that I fell in love with and….they should arrive here tomorrow..WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!!?!! But, they are so cute !! White with RED polka dots…Ummmm!
    So glad to hear the news on the clothing situation…Hope it works out really good for you…

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