Happy Mother’s Day

Canopy Retreat

Take time to relax and enjoy your day!

Do the things that make you happy.

Allow joy to overtake you……..

……and give you peace.

Happy Mother’s Day!

27 responses to “Happy Mother’s Day

  1. What gorgeous photos. have a wonderful Mother’s day

  2. Have a wonderful Mothers Day Rosie!

  3. Happy Mother’s Day to you too, Rosie! Love the photos!

  4. Rosie, a lot happens to you in one week! I was checking in to see what you’ve been up to:)
    Hope your bumps and bruises go away soon, sorry to hear you wiped out with the amoire!
    Your pics are so so lovely. The sheer material with roses used on your gazebo looks awesome.
    I love how you pull all this stuff together.
    Oh, the crows? My FAVORITE bird. Yep, I even have one tatooted on my hiney. What can I say?
    It was during my midlife crisis and I was a tad bonkers for a year! lololo!!! I had crows as pets when I was a kid and just grew up loving them.
    There are always a group of about six that lives in our woods.
    Your blog is always a comfort to visit.
    Thanks so much for all your work in sharing your life with all of us.

  5. Happy Mother’s Day to you too Rosie!!!!! xoxo

  6. Dear Rosie…I am sure hoping you are feeling much better today after your 15 rounds with the cabinet ! Did they ever determine the winner? I’ve got a feeling that silly ole amoire isn’t nearly as sore and bruised as you, my dear ! ;0(

    I know your sweet man will treat you extra good on YOUR day….he seems like such a great hubby.

  7. Love the colors Rosie…hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day.


  8. I wish a Happy Mother’s Day for you, too. One of the things that bring me pleasure is coming here to read your posts. You give us so much beauty and pleasure. Everything looks beautiful, and I’ve always loved white petunias.

  9. Beautiful post, Rosie!

    Happy Mothers Day!

  10. Rosie~ love your cozy corner. You know we post centerpieces every month.
    Send me a link if you want to be a part of this month’s roundup.
    Happy Mothers Day!

  11. Wonderful post Rosie and I loved the pictures 🙂

    Happy Mother’s Day sweetie!!

  12. Lovely post sweetie! I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  13. Hey there Rosie… Happy Mothers day to you also!!

    Thank you for the compliment on my mom and grandmother…. yes they were indeed beautiful women …!!

    As for PJ we have no clue what type of dog she is… we adopted her…. I call her a Heinz 57 …. a variety… its the spice of life LOL


  14. Beautiful greeting and images!!
    May your joys be as bright as the morning!
    Happy MOther’s Day! hugs NG

  15. I am not a mom, but Happy Mother’s Day to you. I love this set up, is this your back yard. So pretty:)

  16. Rosie, these pictures are just lovely. I look forward to seeing your yard as we get even farther into the season… Happy Mother’s Day! Jen R

  17. I hope you enjoyed this special day Rosie! Your photos are so joyful!
    Hugs, Pat

  18. Happy Mother’s Day!


  19. Oh that fabric flowing in the breeze is just enchanting… like something out of a movie…. hope you had a lovely day..
    Big hugs

  20. What a sweet rose canopy! Hope you had a marvelous Mothers Day! I did!!

  21. Hi Rosie!
    I love your breezy rose fabric & the flowers ~ looks like a lovely spot to sit & relax on Mother’s Day! I hope you did just that!
    SO sorry about your accident – hope you’re feeling lots better!

  22. Oh Rosie, I just love that beautiful and breezy sitting area — perfect for a relaxing Mother’s Day!
    Hope you had a great one!

  23. just coming by to say hi and hope your day was a really good one yesterday…mine sure was.
    hugs, bj

  24. Hi Rosie,

    What wonderful pictures! That fabric is so romantic and pretty 🙂 Hope you had a very lovely day yesterday.


  25. What beautiful pictures and reminders you’ve posted. Thank you so much. I hope your Mother’s Day was full of bliss.

  26. Rosie this is so very lovely! Hope you had a great Mother’s Day…. Blessings, sweet friend!


    (your blog is looking great!)

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