A Slow Sunday Afternoon

Trust me, I’m not complaining! It was a nice time just sitting around with Hubby’s son and his fiancee. After we had some slow cooked pork, mashed potatoes, sauerkraut, and green beans. John and son started watching “Munich”, daughter-in-law (to be) read decorating magazines and looked at the computer and I worked on my scrapbooks…..no not the gorgeous creations you all make. Mine are pictures cut from magazines as I have been culling my collection of magazines (some from as far back as 1995). I have two books….. one for home decor pictures and one for gardening pictures. Here’s some examples:

Then, I have been inspired by the pretty tassels made by the gal over at “Nesting Place”.. She also sells them in her Etsy Shop.

I’ve been toying with the idea of just using some of my fabric scraps and some old wooden, painted napkin rings. I should have been taking pictures as I went…..next time. I am happy with my first try. I am sure it will make the rounds of the house, too 🙂

(Scrappy Tassels are now available in my Etsy Shop)

I wish I could get good close-ups with my camera….but everything just gets fuzzy….might be time for an upgrade.

Hope everyone had a nice relaxing Sunday afternoon. ((hugs)) Rosie

22 responses to “A Slow Sunday Afternoon

  1. Hello and thank you for that linky love! I also love to rip pages from magazines and I keep mine in page protectors. I like your way better though!

    Great job on the tassel! I have used napkin rings too and they work pretty good! Love all the pages that you had in your dream book! I think we have the same taste!

  2. I like your magazine insipration pags. Love those Louis chairs. Your tassel came out really good!


  3. Hi Rosie,

    These are great inspirational photos!

    By the way, thank you so much for your comment on my blog. I am happy to tell you that my site is back up and running perfectly! Whoo hoo!


  4. Love how the tassel came out. I have some painted napkin rings…hmmm..but no idea how to make them into tassels.

    PS. Love your magazine pix, I have some from back in the..gasp…70’s that I still like.

  5. What a perfect afternoon…great reading and a fun tassel!!

    kari & kijsa

  6. I’m happy to hear that you had a lovely relaxing Sunday with your dear family. Ever since I got all that great decorating advice, I too have been culling magazines and putting my favs into folders. I love yours, and that tassle is just so sweet! You’ll have to show us how to make one because I would love to know and do it too. Also sweetie, I have 2 surprises waiting for you over at my place, so pop over when you can!
    Amanda (aka Cottage Contessa)

  7. I love your scrapbook! And the tassle you made is really cute!!! 🙂 So glad you enjoyed your Sunday! 🙂 Have a wonderful Monday!

  8. Your scrapbooks and tassel are wonderful. I have a bunch of magazine pictures in my file drawer. I need to go through them and organize into scrapbooks or notebooks. Thanks for the inspiration! ~Adrienne~

  9. LOVE that tassel, Rosie–inspired! Your decorating notebook make for wondering ideas and dreams…Happy Dreaming ((HUGS))

  10. Great idea to save your favorite mag pages! I should do that with all the gardening books I have. The tassle is great. The painted ring is perfect!

  11. Hi Rosie,
    I’ve still got the magazine those first pics came from — maybe I should start scrapbooks, too.

    Love your tassel — so pretty! If course, I’m drooling over the rooster painting, too! 🙂

  12. The tassels are great! Look super on the door!

  13. That’s how I scrapbook too! I have sooo many books filled now. Lots of dreams I guess =) Blessings… Polly

  14. Making scrapbooks of old magazine pictures is a fab idea. Sometimes I can’t quite bring myself to throw old mags away because there is a picture or two that I like. This way, I can save the picture(s) and throw the rest away….great idea, Rosie! Thanks.

  15. I do the same thing Rosie, and it always makes me happy when I go back through the book, always wonderful ideas. The tassel is really cute.

  16. What a lovely blog you have here – I am so happy that I came upon it -so many beautiful things to look at.

    Stop by sometime if you get a chance.


  17. I have one of those books too…and surprisingly still love the ideas in the pictures!
    Rosie the tassel is fabulous…I made a bunch once..a lot of work LOL


  18. Love the tassles!!! very nice 🙂


  19. Hey, I LOVE those inspiration photos! Great taste, my dear!

    Great tassle too!

    Have a fabulous week!


  20. Your tassel is beautiful!

  21. I love seeing others inspiration books! I have saved those very same pictures! 🙂

  22. I would have put the same pages you chose for your decorating journal. We must be kindred spirits! I love that tassel!

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